Three employees with tablet computer talking

Credit Suisse (UK) Limited

Moving forward together

Our integration with UBS is well under way. While we finalize the integration of our systems, please click on the relevant link below to continue your journey with us. The legal merger between Credit Suisse AG and UBS AG was completed on 31 May 2024. Credit Suisse (UK) Limited is now an entity of UBS AG. This in itself will not change the day-to-day banking relationship for Credit Suisse clients. It does, however, form the basis for the transfer of Credit Suisse banking relationships and products to UBS systems in the UK, which is planned for 2025, together with the Merger of Credit Suisse (UK) Limited and UBS AG London Branch. We will provide ongoing and transparent information on the next steps in the integration.

If you want to learn more about our UBS offering in the UK, click here

Mortgages with us

If you come into financial difficulty or need us to take into account a change in your personal circumstances, we can discuss tailored options that may be available and considered for a specific period; extension to the term of the mortgage, gradual capital reductions, roll up of interest payments/payments holidays or a voluntary arranged sale of the property.

Stay alert to scams. Avoid being a victim of fraud.

Criminals may contact members of the public at random, with false investment opportunities which often appear to include very attractive and/or guaranteed returns.

They may direct the public to view cloned websites purporting to be from a Credit Suisse company or other financial firms. Cloned websites often include false client testimonials or celebrity endorsements and realistic looking investment materials.

As a rule, Credit Suisse never contacts its clients by phone, email or SMS to ask them to log in or reveal their access, account details. We don’t send emails with links to login pages.

Investments that promise higher than usual returns should be treated with extra caution as they may be too good to be true.

If you have been contacted in such a manner, we recommend you follow the FCA guidance below to ensure you are dealing with a legitimate financial firm.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have a range of hints and advice to avoid becoming a victim of fraud.

This includes only dealing with financial firms that are authorized by the FCA. You can check the Financial Services Register to ensure they are, and when conducting your due diligence before an investment, consult the FCA Clone and Unauthorised Firms alerts page.

Credit Suisse (UK) Limited is now part of the Authorised Push Payment (APP) scam reimbursement scheme in the UK which commenced on 7 October 2024. Client Information on APP scam reimbursement rights can be found here.

Examples of APP scams:

Examples of APP scams:

Romance Scams

The fraudster pretends to form a romantic relationship with the victim, often online. Over time, they build trust and eventually claim to be in a financial, health or other crisis, asking the victim to transfer money to help them. The victim, believing they are helping someone they care about, sends the money to the fraudster.

Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

Your eligible deposits with Credit Suisse (UK) Limited are protected up to GBP 85,000 per person and GBP 85,500 for investments by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the UK’s deposit guarantee scheme. Any savings above this limit are unlikely to be covered. Find out more information visiting the links to the right.